Anomaly 5
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Anomaly Number: #5
Description: Anomaly-5 also known as the ████ ███ is thought to be some strange omnipotent entity, however we know of existence exept we have no hardcore evidence for it only the words of a few agents and victims of it.

Anomaly-5 is probably one of the most dangrous due to the fact we know so little about it. All we know is that it apears to people in their refections and forces them to do horrific things such as jump into the road.

If you survive its initial visit you will be tortured with halucinations of it.

It is described as a ████ ███ with ██ ███ and ████ ███ ████ ███ ████ with a ████████ ████.

If you do not kill yourself due to the halucinations it will stop bothering you for a while, until you have been in an accident. When you get in a accident it will ██████████ your face until you look like it. And when that happens you will lose your mind and develop extreme mental illnesses. This will usally end in suicide if not treated.

So if you encounter Anomaly-5 tell another agent imediately.

Use Protocol:N/A

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